15 Feel-Good Films Worth A Rewatch
ÒR will posting a series of fun & helpful guides to get us all through this time at home … first up is Jen’s top 15 feel good films…
‘watching these films are now at the top of my self care priority list…. get that popcorn & giant box of chocolates ready. I have our timetable sorted… you're welcome Jen x’
Point Break (1991) Kathryn Bigelow.
“He’s a modern savage, he’s a real searcher .. what’s he searching for? … the ultimate ride!” if lines like this don’t convince you then wetsuits, 90s tunes & Patrick Swayze with long hair surely will!
Call Me By Your Name (2017) Luca Guadagnino.
A love story full of beautiful cinematography & acting to take your breath away ! Aside from a rather disconcerting scene with a peach, this one will leave you with wonderful tender moments that you won’t forget. Plus its accompanied by an amazing soundtrack & a swoon cast ...
Marley and Me (2009) David Frankel.
For anyone who is in need of a good cry & loves their pooch... Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson team up to make the ultimate comfort blanket watch.
An Affair To Remember (1957) Leo McCarey.
A whirlwind 50’s romance at it's best, ‘cause everyone needs Carey Grant & a Cruise (whose chipper eager face is just what you need to see right now) … get those tissues ready!
Wall - E (2008) Andrew Stanton.
Animation genius which is not what you might be expecting. A slightly unnerving insight into what we could be like if we don’t get out for those walks .. maybe watch this one last so you don’t feel guilty before watching the rest.
10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Gil Junger.
Pure unadulterated 90’s greatness, a modernisation of the Shakespeare play The Taming of the Shrew which leaves you wanting to crimp your hair and go paintballing …well, at least you can do your hair. Heath. we love you!
A Few Good Men (1992) Rob Reiner.
A court room drama to end all courtroom dramas …if you’ve just watched a Tom Cruise film recently maybe a leave it a few days (the cheesiness may be a bit too much) but Jack Nicholson will not leave you disappointed. Very good teeth in this movie by the way, dentists will approve.
Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981) Steven Spielberg.
A very sweaty Harrison Ford running around after a golden easter egg in a shirt that always seems to be unbuttoned... I’m in every time!
Whiplash (2014) Damien Chazelle.
Delves into a the world of conservatoires & a tyrannical teacher Terence Fletcher.
A true testament to the relentless passion that sits within all us creatives- something we may need to a get a boost of right now! Bring it on, you can’t stop us!
The Rock (1996) Michael Bay.
90s action at its very best with a legendary cast & iconic lines that you’ll be mimicking for days. Get the volume on this one up full blast. Sean Connery’s accent is without filter. Ace.
Ratatouille (2007) Brad Bird
To warm the soul & get those cooking passions flowing, I’m not at all embarrassed to say that I wish he was real & I could go visit him in Paris when this is all over.
Dances With Wolves (1990) Kevin Costner.
A classic, lengthly country-western is just what every one needs right now & watching a tanned Kevin Costner rolling around in the grass with a cute loveable wolf is the perfect way to do it! John Dunbar gets loose in the plains one more time.
Amelie (2010) Jean-Pierre Jeunet.
Romanic, artistic & oh so sweet .. could be the perfect day time treat! Watch this film while knitting, doing your nails or even better painting & eating a baguette.
Pride & Prejudice (1995) Andrew Davis
Not strictly a film, but who cares look at those eyes! Mr Darcy is telling you to watch it & you don’t have to stare at Keira Knightly’s pout in this one either .. you’ve now lost a whole day in the most romantic heart-warming way!
Billy Elliot (2000) Stephen Daldry.
Will have you dancing around your kitchen and applying to ballet school in 2021 ...we can make new plans, maybe not not ballet school, but still new plans yaaay!!